Casino and bookmaker offices automation.
We suggest the full range of software for automation and fiscal accounting of casinos and bookmaker offices. We are ready to deploy the software adopted for your equipment and train the personnel within the shortest period of time. Our software is installed and fruitfully functions in more than 50 biggest and elite gambling establishments located in Moscow, Kiev, Yalta, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Erevan and Tbilisi as well as in other cities on the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS.
Software development is a cost-effective solution configured precisely to your company needs. We are offering the services in the sphere of software development to the companies that cannot use the programme products existing on the market. Our specialists possess significant experience in production automation and participated in complex software development for the sphere of dangerous production objects, such as petroleum storage depots, pipelines, etc. We are well aware of the reliability significance in the process of software designing and development.
Remote production control of industrial projects (e.g. boiler houses, thermoelectric power stations, installations for pipes cathode protection) as well as for objects for which the constant presence of the personnel is not possible or non-profitable that causes the necessity of remote automation or production management and control.